Key Stage Results 2022-2023

Pupils take statutory assessments (as required by the DfE) during their time at primary school These are mainly based on teacher assessment but do include some assessment tasks and tests provided by the DfE. Schools must report the results of these assessments to the DfE and the information is published.

These assessments are:

Early Years Foundation Stage Baseline Assessment (introduced September 2021) on entry to school.

Year 1 Phonics Screening in June

KS1 Assessments in reading, writing and maths in May and June of Year 2

Y4 Multiplication Tables Check in the summer term of Year 4

KS2 SATS in reading, writing, grammar, spelling and punctuation and maths. SATS tests are taken in May of Year 6. Writing is teacher assessed whilst the other subjects are assessed by a test

Statutory Assessments were cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid 19 pandemic

DFE School Performance Tables

School Performance Tables as published by the DFE can be found by following this link:

Click here to access the school’s full performance data

2022 – 2023

Comparative information about the attainment of pupils of the same age nationally

% meeting EXS or higher
Grammar Punctuation & Spelling* KGB School 81%
National 72%
Reading KGB School 93%
National 73%
Mathematics KGB School 81%
National 73%
Writing KGB School 81%
  National 71%
Reading, writing and mathematics combined KGB School 75%
  National 59%


Initial progress estimates


Expected progress or better

Above expected progress










2022 – 2023

Progress in reading*


Confidence Interval

2.7 to 9.1


Well Above Average

Progress in writing*


Confidence Interval

1.5 to 4.6



Progress in maths*


Confidence Interval

1.1 to 7.1


Well Above Average

Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in reading, writing and maths

  • School 75% 75%
  • Local Authority Average 56% 56%
  • England Average 60% 60%

Percentage of pupils achieving at a higher standard in reading, writing and maths

  • School 13% 13%
  • Local Authority Average 7% 7%
  • England Average 8% 8%

Average score in reading**


Local Authority Average

England Average

Average score in maths


Local Authority Average

England Average

* The scores are calculated by comparing the key stage 2 test and assessment results of pupils at this school with the results of pupils in schools across England who started with similar assessment results at the end of the previous key stage – key stage 1.

A score above zero means pupils made more progress, on average, than pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 1.

A score below zero means pupils made less progress, on average, than pupils across England who got similar results at the end of key stage 1.

** This score is known as the reading ‘scaled score’. The score is an average for pupils in the school. The expected standard is a score of 100 or more. The higher standard is 110 or more.

6th January 2023

A very happy new year to you all. It has been lovely welcoming thechildren back into school this week and hearing all of their excitingnews. In worship this week we have been thinking about the Feastof Epiphany. Linking to our school vision, children were asked...

9th December 2022

Schools are a special place to be at this time of year with the buzz of excited children, happy smiles, singing and laughter and perhaps a little bit of glitter! This year it is even more cherished as in 2022 we have been able to enjoy once again the Christmas events...

25th November 2022

Last week, Year 6 took part in the 'Crucial Crew' event in Thirsk. This is a scenario-based eventaiming to helping children to keep safe. Our Year 6s took part in scenarios based on: water safety,fi re, drugs, online safety, electricity, water safety and more.

11th November 2022

The school was silent at 11am this morning as we respected and remembered those that have losttheir lives in war. Throughout the school classes have been finding out more about RemembranceDay including poetry written by Year 6, a poppy wreath made by Year 1 and 2 and...

21st October 2022

Harvest Leading the Harvest Church Service at St Augustine's this week was a lovely way to end the first half term of the year. This was some of the children's first walk up to church and so a good opportunity for them to experience a worship out of our school hall...

7th October 2022

This week our Year 3 children led a wonderful Bible Worship and were presented with a special Bible to recognise their moving up through school into Key Stage Two. The children acted out a special retelling of Noah's Arc- one of their favourite stories from the Old...

23rd September 2022

Democracy at Kirkby and Great Broughton This week our school have learned more about democracy. Even though a planned visit to school from a parliament representative had to be postponed due to the Queen's funeral, we have still been able to put democracy in action....

September 2022 Newsletter

Welcome Back! A very warm welcome back to school! Over the holidays many members of staff have been busy in school preparing for the year ahead. However, school never seems right without children in it. They are the heart, so what a lovely day on Tuesday when school...

July 8th 2022 Newsletter

Reception Visit the Farm Earlier in the week, Reception pupils embarked on their first school trip visiting Monk Park Farm as partof their topic 'Amazing Animals'. It was a super day for a class trip, perfect weather for outdoor exploration and not too hot inside the...

June 24th 2022 Newsletter

Fun in the Sun The children have taken full advantage of the fantastic summer weather, enjoying the playtime equipment on offer on the Huff and Puff trolley and seeking shade whilst sharing a story in our Reading Shed. A big‘thank you’ to the Y6 Playleaders, who have...