Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Class Teachers: Mrs E Kay and Ms A Ronsano

Mrs Kay teaches Year 5 Monday- Thursday and Ms Ronsano teaches the class on a Friday.

In Year 5 our number one aim is to provide learning that is a fun, memorable experience for all the children. In our classroom practises and environment we incorporate our school vision to ensure that pupils have knowledge and skills to enable them to approach life in a positive and thoughtful way. This year we have many exciting topics to share with the children: The Romans, Volcanoes and Earthquakes, Local History- the Railways, Coasts, The Stone, Bronze and Iron Age and Journeys- focusing on trade. This will enable them to build on previous knowledge and take their learning forward in an engaging and meaningful way.

Shine within themselves: challenge is a key component of our curriculum, so children can move from their comfort zone and work confidently in their learning zone using their growth mindset skills. Questioning, reasoning, problem solving and persevering are all common place in our lessons as we recognise the value of mistakes, trying various methods and the power of ‘not yet….’

Shine for our community: we recognise the value of working and supporting others on a local, national and world level. By taking part in projects such as York Diocese Young Leaders Award, we are able to investigate what we can do to help and improve our local area and think about ways we can make a positive difference. Our motto is:  ‘be the change you want to see.’

Shine out to the world: we are aware of our role as ‘global citizens’ and therefore we are eager to know, understand and address world issues in the classroom and beyond. Through ‘Picture News’ we explore current ‘Big Questions’ and link these to British values as well as the UN Rights of a child. In all our lessons we encourage children to see and appreciate the many views and interpretations of our world and to carry this forward with them on their life journey.

Together we light the way for others: successful learning cannot be done in isolation- ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. Within our class we provide a safe, secure and caring environment which enables children to be themselves and to flourish in this role. The children support, listen to and guide each other ensuring that everyone can make positive progress and feel valued within our class family.

Quotes from the children:

‘In year 5 we enjoy every single moment. We make learning fun, so that we can take in every drop of knowledge’

‘In Year 5 we offer a range of amazing activities in a supportive environment’

‘I find our class truly amazing! With all the little science experiments, I wouldn’t want to miss a day!’

‘Our teachers are great. They are extremely supportive, kind and constantly encourage us to learn’