School Uniform

The wearing of school uniform is encouraged and consists of a red school sweatshirt, printed with the school logo of the “Wainstones”, together with grey trousers, shorts or skirt.

School Uniform can be ordered online from APC Clothing

When placing an order online, there is a coupon code to have uniform delivered to school free of charge. Please add kirkbyfreepost into the discount code box on checkout to remove the carriage charge.

All items of clothing should be named to prevent confusion. Sensible shoes/boots should be worn for school. Trainers and open-toed sandals are not appropriate.

On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in school. The exceptions to this rule are ear-rings for pierced ears and medical identification bracelets worn by children who have significant medical problems such as diabetes or epilepsy. We strongly discourage wearing ear-rings, if parents opt for their child to do so, at their own risk, these must only be small simple studs in plain silver or gold.

Shoulder length hair or longer  should be tied up

Children who are participating in PE, swimming, sports clubs and/or physical activity must not wear ear-rings. We do not want pupils removing and replacing ear-rings due to the potential risk of injury or spread of infection therefore the school strongly recommends that children do not come to school wearing ear-rings on these days.

The school advises parents who wish their children to have their ears pierced to do so at the beginning of the six week summer holiday.

Second hand uniform can be purchased through the Friends of The School- please contact the office Headteacher