Friday 21st April 2023

Welcome back to the summer term and a special welcome to two new faces, Jasper and Rory. Itpromises to be a busy and fun term with lots of things already planned so please do look at thedates at the bottom of this newsletter.
Children are already back into work and enjoying their new learning.

Reception this term will involve all things tasty as we focus our learning on ‘Fabulous Food’, whereour food comes from, food for health and growth and food as part of wider celebrations.
Year 1 and 2 are learning all about great explorers and their exciting discoveries. We are alsofi nding out about plants and how they grow, with the hope to grow a variety of flowers andvegetables in our new quiet area.

In Years 3,4,5 this half term we will be learning about the history of the Anglo Saxons and how weknow so much about an era from so long ago. In science we will be learning about electricity, howthings are powered and what appliances are powered by mains power or battery. In computing wewill be learning about videos and creating our own. In PE we are learning the skills needed to playtennis. Finally, in art we are going to be learning about sculpture and manipulating cardboard withthe aim of creating our own Anglo Saxon village.

In Year 6 children are
looking forward to starting our history work this half term answering thequestion ‘Journeys through History – which was the most signifi cant?’ We will explore journeysmade by people from lots of different periods of History and revisiting past learning as they go.Science work on forces links with DT work this half term and in art we will be busy makingsculptures for a memory box and studying famous artists.