Friends of KGB
The Friends of Kirkby and Great Broughton School
The parent-teacher association (PTA) is an excellent way of bringing together parents, teachers and the local community to raise money and to support the school thus enhancing the children’s education.
The PTA holds their annual general meeting in September and a committee is elected to run the PTA-consisting of a chair, a treasurer, a secretary and committee members. Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM and we warmly welcome new faces and new fundraising ideas.
We are a registered charity which means every parent can help to raise money just by online shopping via The Giving Machine. If you would like to know more about The Giving Machine, then please ask us.
Our fundraisers include:
- Fireworks Extravaganza
- Christmas Fayre
- Children’s tea towels
- Christmas pudding sales
- Christmas cards designed by the children
- A fun quiz night for the grown ups
- A children’s bingo evening
- Children’s art exhibition
- Refreshments after the duck race and during sports afternoon
- Bag2School collections
- A science fair
If you would like to be involved in any way then please just ask. Your views and ideas are very important to us.
Thank you
Friends of Kirkby and Great Broughton School

A huge ‘Thank you’ from the children in Reception for our new play equipment funded by the Friends of KGB.