
September 2022 Newsletter

Welcome Back! A very warm welcome back to school! Over the holidays many members of staff have been busy in school preparing for the year ahead. However, school never seems right without children in it. They are the heart, so what a lovely day on Tuesday when school...

July 8th 2022 Newsletter

Reception Visit the Farm Earlier in the week, Reception pupils embarked on their first school trip visiting Monk Park Farm as partof their topic 'Amazing Animals'. It was a super day for a class trip, perfect weather for outdoor exploration and not too hot inside the...

June 24th 2022 Newsletter

Fun in the Sun The children have taken full advantage of the fantastic summer weather, enjoying the playtime equipment on offer on the Huff and Puff trolley and seeking shade whilst sharing a story in our Reading Shed. A big‘thank you’ to the Y6 Playleaders, who have...

June 10th 2022 Newsletter

Year 6s East Barnby Adventure Oscar says: The Year 6s have had an amazing time at East Barnby and everyone enjoyed it! We tookpart in several fun and new activities including Beck Scrambling, Canoeing, Sailing, Climbing andOrienteering and I think that everyone wishes...

May 20th 2022 Newsletter

Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee We have a great day planned within school to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee on Wednesday 25th May.Children will be learning about the history of our monarch and we will be visited by some members ofthe History Society who have very...

May 6th 2022 Newsletter

New Learning this Term Welcome back to the summer term, one that promises to be filled with fun and learning and hopefullylots of sunshine! It is great to be able to plan 'normal' end of year events too. Please see below forthese dates for your diaries.  

April 1st 2022 Newsletter

Film Night Over 60 children enjoyed the film night last Friday. They were greeted with popcorn as they arrived atthe 'cinema', snuggled into their cushions as they watched the film and then enjoyed hot dogs in thespring sunshine. A huge thank you to our fabulous staff...

March 18th 2022 Newsletter

Our New School Vision It is with pleasure that we will be able to launch our new school vision with the children next week. Slightly delayed, we have now been able to gather the views of parents, staff, children, governors and the church to create our new vision...

11th Feb 2022 Newsletter

Amazing Art The children in year 6 have been improving their sketching skills, in particular drawing ellipse. Theydeveloped this by examining and drawing a range of Victorian artefacts. Freddie showed realdetermination took it upon himself to practise these skills at...